in front of

suomi-englanti sanakirja

in front of englanniksi

  1. At or near the front part of (something).

  2. {{quote-text|en|year=1872|author=Charles Hardwick|title=Traditions, Superstitions, and Folklore|url=

  3. the presence of|In the presence of, view of (someone).

  4. (uxi)

  5. {{quote-av

  6. Located before, ahead of, previous to (someone or something).

  7. (ante), “Mandi”, quoted in Nicholas E. Brink, ''Grendel and His Mother: Healing the Traumas of Childhood Through Dreams, Imagery, and Hypnosis'', Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. (2002), (ISBN), page 1:

  8. Several people are in front of me in line. The woman next in front of me is older, probably in her fifties.