
suomi-englanti sanakirja

housebreaker englannista suomeksi

  1. murtautuja, kodinrikkoja

  2. murtovaras

  1. Substantiivi

  2. asuntomurtaja

housebreaker englanniksi

  1. A criminal who breaks into and enters another's house or premises with the intent of committing a crime.

  2. (syn)


  3. (RQ:Swift Gulliver) here were no Gibers, Cenſurers, Backbiters, Pick-pockets, Highwaymen, Houſebreakers, Attorneys, Bawds, Buffoons, Gameſters, Politicians, Wits, ſplenetick tedious Talkers, Controvertiſts, Raviſhers, Murderers, Robbers, Virtuoſo's; (..)

  4. (RQ:Trollope He Knew)

  5. {{quote-journal|en|date=November 19 1968|title=‘Infuriated’ vicar's wife routs interloper|titleurl=,4454840&dq=housebreaker&hl=en|journal=Montreal Gazette|accessdate=21 Sep 2010|page=9|location=Canada

  6. {{quote-journal|en|date=May 20 2009|titleurl=|title=Serial housebreaker nabbed|journal=AsiaOne|location=Singapore|accessdate=21 Sep 2010