
suomi-englanti sanakirja

goose englannista suomeksi

  1. kiihdyttää, tehostaa, yllyttää

  2. typerys, hölmö

  3. puristaa takapuolesta, tönäistä takapuoleen

  4. hanhi

  5. panna vauhtia, patistaa

  1. Substantiivi

  2. hanhi

  3. Verbi

goose englanniksi

  1. Any of various grazing waterfowl of the family (taxfmt), which have feathers and webbed feet and are capable of flying, swimming, and walking on land, and which are bigger than ducks.

  2. ''There is a flock of geese on the pond.''

  3. A female goose.

  4. (quote-book)|location=London;(nb...)|publisher=(publisher)|Cassell and Company, Limited|year=1902|page=560|pageurl=|column=1|passage=Ganders and geese are at their best for stock from two to ten years old. They live to a great age—it is stated to thirty or more years—but after ten years they cannot be reckoned upon as reliable assets on a farm. Two years old is the best age to mate them, making up pens of a gander and two or three geese at the New Year. It is difficult sometimes to distinguish ganders from geese. A practical man is, however, rarely mistaken.

  5. The flesh of the goose used as food.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. or (m) A silly person.

  8. {{quote-book|en|year=1906|author=Langdon Mitchell|chapter=The New York Idea|title=Best Plays of the Early American Theatre, 1787-1911|page=430|url=|editor=John Gassner|isbn=0486410986|year_published=2000

  9. A tailor's iron, heated in live coals or embers, used to press fabrics.

  10. (syn)

  11. (RQ:Shakespeare Macbeth)

  12. A young woman or girlfriend.

  13. An old English game in which players moved counters along a board, earning a double move when they reached the picture of a goose.

  14. To sharply poke or pinch the buttocks, or prod between the buttocks, of (a person).

  15. (quote-journal)

  16. To stimulate; to spur.

  17. (quote-journal) and (w) cope with disaster in the despairing satire ''(w)''|url=|work=AV Club|text=Almost everyone in McKay’s impossibly starry cast feels like they’re jumping into the ''(w)'' host role, game for some light comedic lifting while waiting for the pros to show up and goose the laughs.

  18. To gently accelerate (an automobile or machine), or give repeated small taps on the accelerator.

  19. Of private-hire taxi drivers, to pick up a passenger who has not booked a cab, in violation of UK licensing conditions.

  20. To hiss (a performer) off the stage.