
suomi-englanti sanakirja

fortify englannista suomeksi

  1. linnoittaa

  2. terästää

  3. rakentaa linnakkeita

  4. vitaminoida, lisätä ravinteita

  5. vahvistaa, voimistaa

  1. Verbi

  2. terästää, vahvistaa

  3. terästää, vahventaa, vahvistaa

  4. linnoittaa

  5. vahvistaa, linnoittaa

  6. terästää, väkevöidä

  7. linnoittautua

fortify englanniksi

  1. To give power, strength, or vigour to (oneself or someone, or to something); to strengthen.

  2. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Thomas Marshe,(nb...)|year=1562|year_published=1579|section=folio 15, verso|sectionurl=|oclc=606503690|passage=It de costo” fortifyeth y&868; ſtomack and Lyuer, it keepeth the hayre from fallyng of, & the head from horeneſſe hoaryness, it cauſeth good colour, and ſauour in all the body.

  3. (RQ:Boyle New Experiments) I preſum'd it vvill not be unvvelcome to Your Lordſhip, if I here fortifie the Speculations that have been or may be propos'd to explicate theſe things according to the ''Hypotheſis'' of the vveight of the Air, by vvhat vve tried to that purpoſe, among others, vvhen vve vvere making uſe of a Syringe in our Engine.

  4. (RQ:Swift Nobles and Commons)

  5. (RQ:Spectator)

  6. (quote-book)|location=Calcutta, West Bengal|publisher=R. C. Lepage and Co.|year=1863|page=304|pageurl=|oclc=85001003|passage=In the day I called, Thou God answeredst me; / Thou fortifiedst me with strength in my soul.

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. To support (one's or someone's opinion, statement, etc.) by producing evidence, etc.; to confirm, to corroborate.

  9. (RQ:Thomas More Workes)

  10. (quote-book)|location=France|publisher=College Press|year=1621|section=paragraph 44|pages=211–212|pageurl=|oclc=55581108|passage=It may ſerue for no ſmal iuſtification of the tranſlatour that he fortifyeth his tranſlation vvith the authority of ſuch an auncient manuſcript, vvritten aboue eleuen hundred yeares ago, (..)

  11. (RQ:Emerson Representative Men)

  12. To increase the nutritional value of (food) by adding ingredients, especially minerals or vitamins. (defdate)

  13. (ux)

  14. (quote-journal), Kiplinger Washington Editors|month=July|year=1979|volume=33|issue=7|page=47|pageurl=|column=1|issn=0009-143X|oclc=1334715686|passage=Compare the nutrition information label of a regular ready-to-eat fortified cereal with that of a presweetened brand and you'll note that, although the sweetened one's sugar content is higher, the fortification is virtually identical.|footer=(small)

  15. To impart fortitude or moral strength to (someone or their determination, or something); to encourage.

  16. (RQ:Sidney Arcadia) greatly fortified her deſires, to ſee, that her mother had the like deſires. And the more iealous her mother was, the more ſhe thought the Ievvell precious, vvhich vvas vvith ſo many lookes garded.

  17. (RQ:Ray Wisdom) I had rather vvrite of you to others, to provoke them to imitate ſo excellent an Example, than to your Self, to encourage you in your Chriſtian Courſe, and to fortifie you in your Athletick Conflicts vvith the greateſt of temporal Evils, bodily Pain and Anguiſh; (..)

  18. (RQ:Locke Education)

  19. (RQ:Johnson Rambler)

  20. (RQ:Hume History)

  21. (RQ:Gibbon Miscellaneous Works) Timidity vvas fortified by pride, and even the ſucceſs of my pen diſcouraged the trial of my voice.

  22. (RQ:Scott Guy Mannering)

  23. (RQ:Dickens Our Mutual Friend)

  24. (RQ:Arnold Essays in Criticism)

  25. (RQ:Kipling Letters of Travel)

  26. (RQ:Wodehouse Jeeves in the Offing)

  27. To make (something) defensible against attack by hostile forces.

  28. (RQ:Milton Areopagitica)

  29. (RQ:Johnson Taxation)

  30. To make (something) structurally strong; to strengthen.

  31. (RQ:Topsell Foure-footed Beastes)

  32. (RQ:Dryden Georgics) / To fortify the Combs, to build the VVall, / To prop the Ruins leſt the Fabrick fall: (..)

  33. To increase the defences of (an army, soldiers, etc.), or put (it or them) in a defensive position.

  34. (RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine) / Then next, the way to fortifie your men, / In champion grounds, (..)

  35. (RQ:Irving Rocky Mountains) descended Snake river again, and encamped just above the American falls. Here they proceeded to fortify themselves, intending to remain here, and give their horses an opportunity to recruit their strength with good pasturage, until it should be time to set out for the annual rendezvous in Bear river valley.

  36. To secure and strengthen (a place, its walls, etc.) by installing fortifications or other military works. (defdate)

  37. (RQ:Sidney Arcadia)

  38. (RQ:Pliny Holland Historie of the World)

  39. (RQ:King James Version)

  40. (RQ:Addison Italy)

  41. (RQ:Robertson History of Scotland)

  42. To provide (a city, a fortress, an army, etc.) with equipment or soldiers.

  43. (RQ:Defoe New Voyage)

  44. To add spirits to (wine) to increase the alcohol content. (defdate)

  45. To install fortifications or other military works; also , to put up a defensive position.

  46. (RQ:Lyly Endymion) I vvill vvithdravv my ſelfe to the Riuer, & there fortifie for fiſh: for there reſteth no minute free from fight.|footer=A figurative use.

  47. (RQ:Shakespeare Sonnets)

  48. To become strong; to strengthen.

  49. (RQ:Bacon Learning)

  50. (RQ:De Bonnefons Evelyn French Gardiner)