
suomi-englanti sanakirja

foreclose englannista suomeksi

  1. ehkäistä

  2. julistaa lunastusoikeus menetetyksi

  1. Verbi

  2. lunastaa

  3. sulkea

  4. estää, ehkäistä

foreclose englanniksi

  1. To repossess a mortgaged property whose owner has failed to make the necessary payments; used with ''on''.

  2. (ux)

  3. To cut off (a mortgager) by a judgment of court from the power of redeeming the mortgaged premises.

  4. To up or out; to prevent from doing something.

  5. (syn)

  6. {{RQ:Carew Survey of Cornwall

  7. (quote-book)| passage=One of the paradoxes of Ostpolitik, as practiced by Brandt and his successors, was that by transferring large sums of hard currency into East Germany and showering the GDR with recognition, attention, and support, West German officials unintentionally foreclosed any chance of internal change, including reform of Eastern Germany’s polluted, antiquated industrial economy.

  8. (quote-book)