
suomi-englanti sanakirja

follis englanniksi

  1. A large bronze coin minted during the Roman Empire.

  2. (quote-book) to (smallcaps) 700|location=Baltimore, Md.; London|publisher=Hopkins University Press|The Johns Hopkins University Press|year=1996|page=199|isbn=0-8018-5291-9|passage=In Italy, the exarchs at Ravenna preserved the denominational structure of the currency, striking the bronze folles along with fractions and three silver denominations marked as pieces of 125, 150, and 500 nummiae (pl. 23.200). The solidus was officially exchanged at 300 folles (= 12,000 nummiae) or the rate that had obtained under Theodoric.

  3. (quote-book)

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. (ca-verb form of)

  6. bellows

  7. purse, sack, money bag

  8. a small value coin

  9. an inflated ball

  10. paunch, belly

  11. puffed cheeks