
suomi-englanti sanakirja

folla englanniksi

  1. (feminine singular of)

  2. (ca-verb form of)

  3. leaf (of a plant)

  4. leaf; sheet

  5. 1388, M. A. Comesaña Martínez (1995), ''tombo do Hospital e Ermida de santa María do Camiño de Pontevedra''. Pontevedra: Museo de Pontevedra, page 69:

  6. {{quote|gl|''en estas duas follas de pulgamedio''
  7. each one of the parts or turns in which a terrain is divided for it to go fallow

  8. 1417, A. Rodríguez González (ed.), ''Libro do Concello de Santiago (1416-1422)''. Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega, page 32:

  9. ''Estas duas follas que de aqui faleçen tirey eu Rui Matines, notario, deste libro por quanto os escrivãaos de miña notaria lançaron ende algũas escripturas que non devian ser aqui asentadas''
    : These two leaves that are lacking here were removed from this book by me Roi Martínez, notary, because the scribes of my office put there some scriptures which shouldn't be recorded here
  10. crowd; mob

  11. multitude, host

  12. (inflection of)

  13. crowd

  14. (syn)

  15. completeness

  16. mishmash; hodgepodge

  17. (es-verb form of)