
suomi-englanti sanakirja

flounder englannista suomeksi

  1. ponnistella, kompuroida

  2. kampela

  3. horjua, räpiköidä

  1. kampela

  2. pyörähtää

  3. kompuroida, horjua

  4. kompuroida

  5. Substantiivi

flounder englanniksi

  1. A European species of flatfish having dull brown colouring with reddish-brown blotches; fluke, (vern) ((taxfmt)).

  2. Any of various flatfish of the family (taxfmt) or (taxfmt).

  3. A bootmaker's tool for crimping boot fronts.

  4. To act clumsily or confused; to struggle or be flustered.

  5. {{RQ:Hamilton Metaphysics and Logic

  6. ''He gave a good speech, but floundered when audience members asked questions he could not answer well.''

  7. {{quote-book|en|year=1996|author=Janette Turner Hospital|title=(novel)|Oyster|publisher=Virago Press|edition=paperback|page=136

  8. To flop around as a fish out of water.

  9. To make clumsy attempts to move or regain one's balance.

  10. ''Robert yanked Connie's leg vigorously, causing her to flounder and eventually fall.''

  11. To be in serious difficulty.

  12. (quote-book)| page=159| text=Meanwhile bus and tram competition was causing the Central London Railway to flounder after its early success, and as for the City & South London ... that had always floundered.

  13. (alt form)