
suomi-englanti sanakirja

enlarger englannista suomeksi

  1. suurennuskone, suurennuskoje

  1. Substantiivi

enlarger englanniksi

  1. Any device that makes something bigger, or makes it appear bigger.

  2. ''a penis enlarger''

  3. An optical device used to make enlarged prints from a photographic negative

  4. One who enlarges.

  5. (quote-book); Murray (publishing house)|John Murray,(nb...)|year=1846|page=86|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/b29350281_0002/page/86/mode/1up|passage=EUGE´NIUS, who was bishop of Toledo from (smc) 646 to 657, is mentioned under (smc) as the editor and enlarger of the work by Dracontius upon the Creation.

  6. (quote-journal)Warren F. Draper; London: Trübner and Company|month=October|year=1880|page=735|passage=In like manner the original book closes, at xxix. 1, with a subscription; and a few additional chapters follow, added by the enlarger of the book.

  7. (quote-book)