
suomi-englanti sanakirja

downtime englannista suomeksi

  1. seisonta-aika, seisokki

  1. Substantiivi

  2. häiriöaika, käyttökatko, keskeytysaika, seisokkiaika

  3. rauhallisempi aika">rauhallisempi aika

downtime englanniksi

  1. The amount of time lost due to forces beyond one's control, such as the breakdown of machinery or a computer crash.

  2. (antonyms)

    (coordinate terms)

  3. (RQ:Guardian)

  4. (quote-web)'', (w) Offers Lessons from a Legendary Life|work=The A.V. Club|archiveurl=|date=9 November 2020|passage=As the world turns inward, trapped inside in various stages of pandemic quarantine, numerous songwriting luminaries (often blessed with their own in-home studios) have tried to use the downtime creatively—from Millennial stars like (w) and (w) to longtime veterans like (w) and (w).

  5. A period of time when work or other activity is less intense or stops.

  6. A period of time aside for relaxation and rest; time, time.

  7. (ux)

  8. (RQ:NYT)

  9. (RQ:NYT)&93; has said. ‘The time we have now is valuable, and we need to make use of it.’