
suomi-englanti sanakirja

darkside englanniksi

  1. The side of something that is in darkness or unlit, or has less illumination.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. (quote-book)|series=NASA Technical Memorandum|seriesvolume=89872; AIAA-87-9203|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20210717085715/https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19870013587/downloads/19870013587.pdf|archivedate=17 July 2021|location=Cleveland, Oh.|publisher=Research Center|Lewis Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration|year=1987|section=abstract|page=1|column=1|oclc=|passage=This paper describes a hydrogen–oxygen regenerative fuel cell (RFC) energy storage system based on high temperature solid oxide fuel (SOFC) technology. (..) The system functions as a secondary battery and is applicable to darkside energy storage for solar photovoltaics.

  4. The side of something that is metaphorically dark, i.e. evil, distressing or otherwise undesirable; the negative aspect of something.

  5. (nearsyn)

  6. (quote-web), of All Directors, Brings Amblin Magic to the Kid-lit Horror of ''House with a Clock in Its Walls (film)|The House with a Clock in Its Walls''|work=The A.V. Club|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20220426180039/https://www.avclub.com/eli-roth-of-all-directors-brings-amblin-magic-to-the-1829180158|archivedate=26 April 2022|date=19 September 2018|passage=The film stumbles as its plot gets more complicated, introducing the house’s previous resident, evil warlock Isaac Izard ((w)), Jonathan’s former partner-in-magic who turned to the dark side after an encounter with a demon named Azazel (Christian Calloway) during World War II.

  7. (quote-book) with (w) and Gil Lamont|title=The Essential Ellison: A 35-year Retrospective|location=Omaha, Neb.|publisher=The Nemo Press|year=1964|year_published=1987|section=part II (Worlds of Terror)|page=67|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/essentialellison00elli_0/page/67/mode/1up|isbn=978-0-914261-02-5|passage=This was the dream, that same damned recurrent dream, never ''quite'' the same dream—but on the same subject, night after night, chapter after chapter of the same story: as if he had bought a book of horror stories; they would all be on one theme, but told differently; that was the way with this string of darkside visions.

  8. (quote-journal)

  9. (quote-av)

  10. (quote-web) But just as the dark side of the genre threatened to overshadow any previous genuine highs, in 2019, buzz spread in the US around a talent show that had to be seen to be believed.

  11. (synonym of)

  12. (quote-journal) for the (w)|month=January|year=1977|volume=4, part I|page=180|pageurl=https://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu//full/1977HiA.....4A.179N/A000180.000.html|oclc=841029557|passage=Also shown at the bottom Figure 1 is the trajectory during the first encounter on 29 March 1974, which was a darkside pass with a closest approach distance from the surface of 723 km. (..) The third encounter on 16 March 1975 was similar to the first, being a very close approach towards the darkside near the north polar region at a miss distance of 327 km.

  13. (quote-book)|year=2002|page=2|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=B_ToChwnWgMC&pg=PA2|isbn=978-0-595-23916-0|passage=On the lighter side, ''Cassini'' should be coming out of darkside soon and run smack-dab into the distress siren.

  14. (quote-book)|series=Boeing Scientific Research Laboratories Document|seriesvolume=D1-82-0586|location=Seattle, Wash.|publisher=Geo-astrophysics Laboratory, Boeing Scientific Research Laboratories|month=December|year=1966|page=18|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/DTIC_AD0645548/page/n25/mode/1up|oclc=593831|passage=In the case of Copernicus lunar crater, during an eclipse three maxima in the brightness temperature were observed within the crater, whereas with the same resolution, only one maximum was seen 16 hours after sunset. Thus a careful comparison of darkside and eclipse infrared mapping may show differences which, in the case of the rock hypothesis, could be due to variations in the size distribution.

  15. (quote-book), Doherty|Tom Doherty Associates|month=September|year=1988|year_published=October 1989|pages=273–274|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780812503692/page/274/mode/1up|isbn=978-0-8125-0369-2|passage=But that air was at its coldest—aphelion was the chilliest season everywhere on this chill and temperate world—and the mountains of that limb were lower. Currents of darkside air would begin to flow through the low passes into the relative warmth of the marsh country, and the ponderous wheel of air would roll again.

  16. A style of music, being a form of hardcore characterized by discordant sounds.

  17. (syn)

  18. (quote-newsgroup)