come out

suomi-englanti sanakirja

come out englannista suomeksi

  1. puhjeta

  2. ilmestyä

  3. revähtää auki

  4. tulla julki, tulla ilmi

  5. sijoittua

  6. tuoda julki homoutensa, tulla ulos kaapista

  7. päättyä

  8. tulla julkisuuteen

  9. irrota

  10. ilmaantua

  1. Verbi

  2. ilmetä

  3. ilmestyä

  4. ilmetä, debytoida

  5. päättyä

come out englanniksi

  1. (&lit)

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. To be discovered, be revealed.

  5. To be published, be issued.

  6. To make a formal debut in society.

  7. (RQ:Landon Lady Anne Granard)

  8. (quote-journal)

  9. To up or result.

  10. ''There were a lot of problems at the start, but it all came out well in the end.''

  11. To walk onto the field at the beginning of an innings.

  12. To out of the closet.

  13. ''He came out to his parents as gay last week.''

  14. (quote-text)

  15. To be deducted from.

  16. To express one's opinion openly.

  17. To become visible in the sky as a result of clouds clearing away.

  18. To protest or go strike, especially out of solidarity with other workers.

  19. To make a debut in a new field.

  20. (quote)

  21. {{quote-book