
suomi-englanti sanakirja

chips englannista suomeksi

  1. ranskalaiset

  1. Verbi

  2. Substantiivi

chips englanniksi

  1. (infl of)

  2. (monikko) en|chip

  3. ''Wow, look at the chips on that motherboard!''

    ''What kind of chips should we get: barbecue or sour cream and onion?''

    ''The diner made its own chips from scratch.''

  4. A carpenter.

  5. {{RQ:Melville Omoo

  6. {{quote-text|en|year=1929|title=The Atlantic Monthly|volume=144|page=462

  7. potato chips, crisps

  8. shoot, shit! (oath)

  9. (monikko) nl|chip

  10. chips

  11. (l) (qualifier), crisps (qualifier)

  12. (quote-av)|trans-title=(w)|network=(w)|date=November 21 2006|passage=Puis je prends une chips, que je mange!|translation=Then I'll take a chip, which I'll eat!

  13. chip (gl), crisp (gl)

  14. (l) (gloss)

  15. (monikko) pt|chip

  16. chip (''American English''), crisp (''British English'')

  17. (noun form of)

  18. (clipping of)

  19. (l) (''American English''), (l) (''British English'')