
suomi-englanti sanakirja

catchy englannista suomeksi

  1. tarttuva

  2. pulmallinen

  1. tarttuva, iskevä

catchy englanniksi

  1. (cap) appealing and memorable.

  2. {{quote-journal

  3. Tending to catch or ensnare; entangling.

  4. (ux)

  5. Consisting of, or occurring in, disconnected parts or snatches; changeable.

  6. ''Encyc. of Sport''

  7. It the fox's scent is (..) flighty or catchy, if variable.
  8. (cap); catching.

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=1941|author=Florence LaGanke Harris; Hazel Hanna Huston|title=The New Home Economics Omnibus