
suomi-englanti sanakirja

carp englannista suomeksi

  1. karppi

  2. moittia

  1. karppi

  2. sättiä

  3. Substantiivi

carp englanniksi

  1. (senseid) Any of various freshwater fish of the family (taxfmt); specifically the carp, (taxfmt).

  2. (RQ:Walton Compleat Angler) ''Carps'' and ''Loches'' are obſerved to breed ſeveral months in one year, vvhich moſt other fiſh do not, and it is the rather believed, becauſe you ſhall ſcarce or never take a ''Male Carp'' vvithout a ''Melt'', or a ''Female'' vvithout a ''Roe'' or ''Spavvn''; (..)

  3. To criticize or complain about a fault, especially for frivolous or petty reasons; to cavil.

  4. (RQ:Calvin Norton Institution)

  5. (quote-book)|location=Middlebourgh &91;''i.e.'', London|publisher=(...)Cotes|Thomas Cotes?&93;|year=c. 1580s (date written)|year_published=c. 1640|section=signature &91;B6&93;, verso|sectionurl=|oclc=65180432|passage=Enuie vvhy carpeſt thou my time is ſpent ſo ill, / And termſt my vvorkes fruites of an idle quill.

  6. (RQ:Barrow Evil-Speaking) Do vve not eagerly ſearch after, and greedily embrace all occaſions to do it? Is it not a pleaſant entertainment to us, to be carping and cavelling at any Body vve meet, at any thing vve ſee done?

  7. (RQ:Burns Poems)

  8. (RQ:Arnold Mixed Essays)

  9. To speak, to talk; also, to talk about a subject in speech or writing.

  10. To talk much but to little purpose; to chatter, to prattle.

  11. (synonyms)

  12. (RQ:Skelton Poetical Works)

  13. (RQ:Surrey et al Songes)

  14. (quote-book); London: Cadell (publisher)|Thomas Cadell,(nb...)|year=1825|section=Act II, scene iii|page=54|pageurl=|oclc=1167601583|passage=Psha! thou carpest and carpest, and yet tell'st nought; in a word, What say'st thou to him?

  15. Of a bird: to sing; of a person (such as a minstrel): to sing or recite.

  16. (RQ:Scott Minstrelsy)

  17. To say or tell (something).

  18. To find fault with (someone or something); to censure, to criticize.

  19. (RQ:Spenser Colin Clout)

  20. (RQ:Camden Remaines)

  21. (RQ:Dryden Don Sebastian)

  22. An instance of, or speech, complaining or criticizing about a fault, especially for frivolous or petty reasons; a cavil.

  23. carpus