
suomi-englanti sanakirja

canton englannista suomeksi

  1. kantoni, piirikunta

  2. majoittaa

  3. jakaa

  1. piirikunta, kantoni

  2. kolkka

  3. Substantiivi

canton englanniksi

  1. Canton

  1. (senseid) A division of a political unit.

  2. 1912, Joseph McCabe (translator), ''We Must Take Sides; or, The Principal of Action'' (originally by (w))

  3. These three millions live in a small canton of Egypt which cannot maintain twenty thousand people
  4. 20 May, 1686, (w), ''letter from Nimmengen''

  5. (quote) in which, in six several cantons, the several parts of our Saviour's passion are represented.
  6. (senseid) One of the states comprising the Confederation. Category:en:Switzerland

  7. A subdivision of an ''arrondissement'' of France. Category:en:France

  8. A division of Luxembourg, of Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc.

  9. A subdivision of a county, of Quebec, Canada; equivalent to a township. Category:en:Quebec

  10. A small community or clan.

  11. A subdivision of a flag, the rectangular inset on the upper hoist (i.e., flagpole) side (e.g., the stars of the US national flag are in a canton).

  12. (senseid) A division of a shield occupying one third of the chief, usually on the dexter side, formed by a perpendicular line from the top meeting a horizontal line from the side.

  13. (RQ:Evelyn Diary)

  14. To delineate as a separate district.

  15. To divide into cantons.

  16. To allot quarters to troops.

  17. A song or canto.

  18. (RQ:Shakespeare Twelfth Night)

  19. (l) (gloss)

  20. township (gloss)

  21. (l)

  22. corner

  23. canton

  24. (l)