
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bruit englannista suomeksi

  1. juoruta

  1. Substantiivi

bruit englanniksi

  1. Hearsay, rumour; talk; an instance of this.

  2. (quote-book) & Davies|Thomas Cadell and William Davies|year=a. 1531|year_published=1812|page=xxxii|pageurl=|oclc=776778062|passage=Rememberyng yo(sup) accustumable proudent demeano(sup) as well in the atteyning assurid knowledge of the intended purpose of the Scotts, from tyme to tyme, by suche good esp'iell and intelligence that ye have had among the said Scotts, as of the bruits and newes occ'rant amongs them, it is the more mervailed, that if eyther any such attemptats have been made by the said Scotts upon the king's subjects, or that any such bruits be in Scotland of the said duke's thider comyng, that ye have not advertised the king's highnes or me thereof before this tyme; ...

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-3)

  4. (RQ:Shakespeare Timon of Athens)

  5. (RQ:Bacon Essayes)

  6. (RQ:Richardson Clarissa)

  7. (quote-book)|location=Boston, Mass.|publisher=(...) Everett and Munroe,(nb...)|date=7 November 1780|year_published=1809|volume_plain=number 1|page=266|pageurl=|oclc=316650277|passage=The bruits of a treaty between the United Provinces and the United States, are as true as moſt of the bruits.

  8. (quote-book)

  9. A clamour, an outcry; a noise.

  10. (RQ:King James Version)

  11. (quote-book), and J. Grigg,(nb...)|year=1827|section=stanza XVI|page=6|pageurl=|oclc=5209941|passage=Some fresh bruit / Startled me all aheap!—and soon I saw / The horridest shape that ever raised my awe,— ...

  12. To disseminate, promulgate, or spread news, a rumour, etc.

  13. (RQ:Ovid Golding Metamorphosis)

  14. (quote-book)|location=Oxford, Oxfordshire|publisher=University Press|Clarendon Press|year=a. 1576|year_published=1821|section=paragraph 22|volume=III|page=32|pageurl=|oclc=2430394|passage=Generally, Whether there be ... any that stubbornly refuse to conform themselves to unity and good religion: any that bruiteth abroad rumours of the alteration of the same, or otherwise that disturbeth good orders, and the quietnes of Christs Church and Christian congregation.

  15. (quote-book)|chapter=To the Adventvrers, Favorers, and VVellvvillers of the Enterprise for the Inhabitting and Planting in Virginia|title=A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia,(nb...)|location=Frankfurt am Main|publisher=(...) Ioannis Wecheli,(nb...)|year=1590|oclc=11426224|newversion=reprinted as|title2=Narrative of the First English Plantation of Virginia(nb...)|location2=London|publisher2=(w),(nb...)|year2=1893|page2=9|pageurl2=|oclc2=1618054|passage=There haue bin diuers and variable reportes with some slaunderous and shamefull speeches bruited abroade by many that returned from thence.

  16. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet Q1-2)

  17. (quote-journal)|location=London|publisher=Benbow|William Benbow,(nb...)|date=1 September 1822|volume=I|issue=IX|page=413|pageurl=|oclc=40637333|passage=Even his amours he bruits forth to the public, to the delight of every pot-boy.

  18. (RQ:Dickens Barnaby Rudge)

  19. (quote-book) In Four Volumes|location=London|publisher=Murray (publisher)|John Murray,(nb...)|year=1859|volume=III|section=paragraph 64|page=458|pageurl=|oclc=960879497|passage=In course of time of Sparta|Ariston died; and (w) received the kingdom: but it was fated, as it seems, that these words, when bruited abroad, should strip him of his sovereignty.

  20. (RQ:Orczy Elusive Pimpernel)

  21. (quote-book) and Amores(nb...)|series=Loeb Classical Library|seriesvolume=41|location=London|publisher=(publisher)|William Heinemann; New York, N.Y.: Inc.|The Macmillan Company|year=1914|section=I|page=445|pageurl=|oclc=685374|passage=Thou art not ware, but thou art tossed on the tongues of all the city, casting away all shame, thou bruitest abroad thy deeds.

  22. (quote-web)|archiveurl=|archivedate=10 August 2020|work=Engadget|date=4 August 2010|passage=It's bruited that the tunnel would cost "10 to 20 million yuan ($2.95 million) more than the current high speed railway for ''each kilometer''." Pony up, taxpayers!

  23. An abnormal sound in the body heard on auscultation (for example, through using a stethoscope); a murmur. (defdate)

  24. (quote-journal) Lecture XVIII.|editor=Thomas Wakley|journal=The Lancet|location=London|publisher=(...) Mills & Co.,(nb...)|date=14 February 1835|volume=I|issue=598|page=697|pageurl=|column=1|issn=0140-6736|oclc=1113355985|passage=Gentlemen,—At the close of my last lecture I asserted that the bruit of the heart does not reside in the organ itself, that is to say, is not produced by any mechanism in the interior of the heart, or by a concurrence of circumstances independent of the surrounding organs. I showed you this clearly in the heart of the swan, whose sternum we removed. Upon opening the pericardium and placing the ear close to the heart, or even employing the stethoscope, no bruit or sound of any kind was to be distinguished.

  25. (quote-journal)|date=1 October 1838|volume=29 (New Series)|issue=18|page=572|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=659155566|passage=Besides chlorosis, there are several analogous affections, especially such as proceed from large losses of blood, in which the arterial bruits are generally very distinctly perceptible. In all these cases the existence of the bruits coincides with a more than ordinary fulness of the pulse: when this ceases, the bruits become invariably less and less manifest. Translated from the ''Archives Generales de Medecine''.

  26. (quote-journal)

  27. (quote-book) (imprint)|Mosby|year=2013|page=117|pageurl=|column=1|isbn=978-0-323-17057-4|passage=Check for carotid bruits by listening to each carotid artery with a stethoscope. A bruit is a blowing or rushing sound that is created by the turbulence within the vessel. If a bruit is heard, do not perform this procedure.

  28. a noise

  29. (syn)


  30. a rumor or report

  31. noise; sounds