bring down

suomi-englanti sanakirja

bring down englannista suomeksi

  1. kaataa

  2. innostaa

  3. alentaa

  4. pudottaa

  5. madaltaa

  1. Verbi

bring down englanniksi

  1. (&lit)

  2. (ux)

  3. To make a ruler or government lose their position of power.

  4. To reduce.

  5. {{quote-journal|en|date=October 23 2012|author=David Leonhardt|title=|titleurl=|journal=New York Times|accessdate=24 October 2012

  6. To humble.

  7. To make something, especially something flying, fall to the ground, usually by firing a weapon of some kind.

  8. To cause an opponent to fall after a tackle.

  9. {{quote-journal

  10. To make someone feel bad emotionally.

  11. (quote-song)

  12. (quote-song), Jeffery David, and Jesiah Dzwonek|authorlabel=no|title=(w)|album=(w)|date=31 May 2013|artist=(w)|url=|text=Nothing in this world could / Ever bring them down / Yeah, they're invincible / And she's just in the background

  13. To cause to down, e.g. in an accident.

  14. (quote-journal)