
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bonito englannista suomeksi

  1. juovaselkäsarda

  2. juovaselkäsardan liha

  3. boniitti

  1. Substantiivi

  2. sarda

bonito englanniksi

  1. Any of various marine fish of the genus (taxfmt) that are related to and resemble the tuna. (defdate)

  2. 1808–10, (w), ''Memoirs of a Georgian Rake'', Folio Society 1995, p. 165:

  3. Mr Scott, the chief mate, being a capital fisherman, the table was almost daily furnished with an albacore, bonito, or dolphin, and not unfrequently with all three, which he struck with a gig.
  4. A large tropical fish of species (taxfmt) (tuna), allied to the tunny.

  5. (quote-journal)

  6. The medregal ((taxlink)), an edible fish of the southern of the United States and the West Indies.

  7. The cobia or crab eater ((taxfmt)), an edible fish of warm waters globally.

  8. (l), tuna (gl)

  9. (syn)

  10. pretty, lovely

  11. (ant)

  12. beautifully, in a beautiful way

  13. (uxi)

  14. various species of fish related to or sharing resemblance with the tuna, such as the albacore and the tuna|frigate tuna

  15. pretty, cute

  16. nice, lovely, sweet, fine, charming, great

  17. tuna; (l)

  18. skipjack

  19. tuna