
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bestride englannista suomeksi

  1. harpata

  1. Verbi

  2. hajareisin / istua hajareisin

bestride englanniksi

  1. To be astride something, to stand over or sit on with legs on either side, especially to sit on a horse.

  2. (syn)

  3. (quote-book) Book XXI, Chapter xiii, leaf 430v|text=''& thou were the truest frende to thy louar that euer bestrade hors''"And thou were the truest friend to thy lover that ever bestrad horse"

  4. (quote-book)

  5. (quote-journal)

  6. (quote-book) she would take the betrothal document from her father's chest of drawers and pore over the signature: Ezriel Babad. (..) His signature seemed to bestride her own.

  7. (RQ:Wolfe New Sun)

  8. To stride over, or across.

  9. To dominate.

  10. {{quote-book|en|author=William Shakespeare

  11. (RQ:Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four)

  12. (quote-book) He bestrides this continent from Algiers to Cape Town, and the guns around his belt face east, west, south and north.

  13. to (l) or (l) (something)