
suomi-englanti sanakirja

barmy englannista suomeksi

  1. järjetön, typerä, hullu

  1. vaahtoinen

barmy englanniksi

  1. Containing, covered with, or pertaining to (l).

  2. (RQ:Jonson Poetaster)

  3. (RQ:Dryden Georgics)

  4. (quote-book) Arthur Llewellyn Jones|chapter=I|title=The Hill of Dreams|location=London|publisher=Richards (publishing house)|E. Grant Richards|year=1907|page=2|pageurl=|oclc=847236569|passage=He stood for a while on the quivering footbridge and watched the rush of dead wood and torn branches and wisps of straw all hurrying madly past him, to plunge into the heaped spume, the barmy froth that had gathered against a fallen tree.

  5. (quote-book)

  6. Bubbling with activity or excitement; active, excited.

  7. (RQ:Burns Poems)

  8. Crazy, mad; also, eccentric, odd, strange.

  9. (synonyms)


  10. (quote-book)|chapter=XIV|title=Australian Parsonage or, the Settler and the Savage in Western Australia|An Australian Parsonage; or, The Settler and the Savage in Western Australia|location=London|publisher=(w),(nb...)|year=1872|page=330|pageurl=|oclc=39038381|passage=The exercise yard of the "barmy fellows," as he called the madmen, (meaning, I suppose, that their brains were in an unnatural state of working,) was but a stone's throw from himself and his rational companions, (..)

  11. (RQ:Maugham Liza)

  12. (RQ:Guardian)|title=Russell Brand and the GQ awards: ‘It’s amazing how absurd it seems’|archiveurl=|date=13 September 2013|passage=I thanked Bishop|John Bishop, said the "oracle award" sounds like a made-up prize you'd give a fat kid on sports day – I should know, I used to get them – then that it's barmy that Hugo Boss can trade under the same name they flogged uniforms to the Nazis under and the ludicrous necessity for an event such as this one to banish such a lurid piece of information from our collective consciousness.

  13. Very foolish.

  14. (monikko) en|barma|t=a regal Russian mantle or neckpiece made of gold, encrusted with diamonds and other gems