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(RQ:Besant Ivory Gate) In former days every tavern of repute kept such a room for its own select circle, a club, or society, of habitués, who met every evening, for a pipe and a cheerful glass.
{{quote-journal|en|date=2013-07-20|volume=408|issue=8845|magazine=The Economist
{{quote-journal|en|date=2014-04-21|volume=411|issue=8884|magazine=The Economist
To put constraints upon; to restrain; to confine; to keep within bounds.
(RQ:Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew)
{{RQ:Spenser Ireland
(RQ:Besant Ivory Gate)
(quote-song)|album=(w)|date=|year=1988|year_published=1997|artist=Sixpence None the Richer|url=|text=There she goes / There she goes again / Racing through my brain / And I just can't contain / This feeling that remains
To restrain desire; to live in continence or chastity.