
suomi-englanti sanakirja

auga englanniksi

  1. (noun form of)

  2. water

  3. (uxi)

  4. baths, springs

  5. eye

  6. Hávamál (Edda/Hávamál|English source, Icelandic source)

  7. ''Inn vari gestur''
    ''er til verðar kemur''
    ''þunnu hljóði|þunnu hljóði þegir,''
    ''eyrum hlýðir,''
    ''en augum skoðar.''
    ''Svo nýsist fróðra hver fyrir.''
    : The knowing guest
    : who goes to the feast,
    : In silent attention sits;
    : With his ears he hears,
    : with his eyes he watches,
    : Thus wary are wise men all.
  8. (infl of)

  9. (verb form of)

  10. water

  11. eye (organ)

  12. (ux)

  13. eye (the visual sense); vision

  14. (alternative form of)

  15. eye

  16. (alternative form of)

  17. (pt-verb form of)