
suomi-englanti sanakirja

arca englanniksi

  1. Arca

  1. (romanization of).

  2. chest, coffer

  3. ark (gloss)

  4. starboard

  5. (syn)

  6. ark; chest; coffer

  7. box; casket

  8. brattice (of a castle)

  9. dolmen, megalith

  10. cavity

  11. (inflection of)

  12. (uxi)

  13. idol, a graven image or representation of anything that is revered, or believed to convey spiritual power.

  14. ark (casket or tomb)

  15. chest, box, coffer, safe (gloss)

  16. coffin (gloss)

  17. Noah's Ark

  18. of the Covenant

  19. sculpture, idol

  20. a shadow that can be seen in the mirror, through a camera lens or when dreaming

  21. icon

  22. image, cult-statue

  23. ark

  24. {{quote-book|pt|year=1996|author=Fernando Pessoa|title=Mensagem: poemas esotéricos : edição crítica|publisher=Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica|isbn=9788489666276

  25. ark (gloss)

  26. clam (gloss)

  27. coffer (gloss)

  28. thorax

  29. pawnshop

  30. hug

  31. (pt-verb form of)

  32. ark, chest