
suomi-englanti sanakirja

anodyne englannista suomeksi

  1. kipulääke

  2. tuskia lievittävä

  1. kipua lievittävä">kipua lievittävä

  2. rauhoittava

  3. vaisu, neutraali

  4. Substantiivi

  5. kipulääke

  6. lievitys

anodyne englanniksi

  1. Capable of soothing or eliminating pain. (defdate)

  2. {{quote-journal|en|date=12 June 1847|journal=Littell's Living Age|number=161|volume=13|page=483

  3. {{quote-text|en|year=1910|author=Edward L. Keyes|title=Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs|page=211

  4. Soothing or relaxing. (defdate)

  5. (ux)

  6. Noncontentious, blandly agreeable, unlikely to cause offence or debate. (defdate)

  7. (syn)

  8. (quote-journal)

  9. {{quote-book

  10. {{quote-journal|en|title=Rattled|journal=The Economist|date=9 Dec 2010

  11. (quote-journal), “Crawfie”, published an entirely anodyne and sycophantic memoir in 1950, she was cast into outer darkness by the family.

  12. Any medicine or other agent that relieves pain.

  13. A source of relaxation or comfort.

  14. (RQ:Thackeray Pendennis)

  15. (RQ:Wilde Dorian Gray)

  16. {{quote-text|en|year=1929|author=Virginia Woolf|title=A Room of One's Own|page=79

  17. (inflection of)

  18. (inflection of) (non-gloss definition)