
suomi-englanti sanakirja

anhedonia englannista suomeksi

  1. seksuaalisen nautinnon puute

  1. Substantiivi

anhedonia englanniksi

  1. The inability to feel pleasure from activities usually found enjoyable, such as exercise, hobbies, music, sexual activities or social interactions.

  2. (RQ:William James Varieties)

  3. {{quote-book|en|year=2012|author=R. R. J. Lewine|chapter=Anhedonia and the Amotivational State of Schizophrenia|editors=Andreas Marneros; Nancy C. Andreasen; Ming T. Tsuang|title=Negative Versus Positive Schizophrenia|publisher=Springer,|pageurl=|page=82

  4. 2014, Gwenolé Loas, ''11: Anhedonia and Risk of Suicide: An Overview'', Michael S. Ritsner (editor), ''Anhedonia: A Comprehensive Handbook, Volume II'', Springer, page 251,

  5. Secondly, the distinction between consummatory and anticipatory anhedonia 21 is not taken into account although these two anhedonias could play different role(si) in the risk of suicide.
  6. {{quote-book|en|year=2020|author=Erin Trifilio; John B. Williamson; Kenneth M. Heilman|chapter=Chapter 9: Changes in Emotions and Mood with Aging|editors=Kenneth M. Heilman; Stephen E. Nadeau|title=Cognitive Changes of the Aging Brain|publisher=Cambridge University Press|pageurl=|page=133

  7. anhedonia

  8. (l)

  9. (l) (gloss)