
suomi-englanti sanakirja

akut englanniksi

  1. (noun form of)

  2. (infl of)

  3. acute

  4. severe

  5. (l):

  6. of an angle: less than 90 degrees.

  7. (syn)

  8. of an abnormal condition of recent or sudden onset, in contrast to delayed onset; this sense does not imply severity, unlike the common usage.

  9. of a short-lived condition, in contrast to a chronic condition; this sense also does not imply severity.

  10. (ant)

  11. (l): requiring immediate attention.

  12. accent

  13. accent (gl)

  14. acute, urgent

  15. acute; of an accent or tone

  16. (the) department, (the) room

  17. (ux)