
suomi-englanti sanakirja

accessory englannista suomeksi

  1. lisä-, aksessorinen, sivu-, täydentävä, apu-

  2. lisäys, pertinenssi, varuste, täydennys, tarvike, lisävaruste

  3. rikoskumppani, rikostoveri, avunantaja

  4. osallinen

  5. asuste, koriste

  1. lisä-">lisä-, apu-">apu-, täydentävä">täydentävä, ylimääräinen, liitännäinen; see also asuste accessory garment

  2. avustava

  3. aksessorinen in mineralogy

  4. lisävaruste, varuste, tarvike, oheistarvike

  5. asuste

  6. avunantaja

  7. koriste

accessory englanniksi

  1. Having a secondary, supplementary or subordinate function by accompanying as a subordinate; aiding in a secondary way; being additional; contributing or being contributory.

  2. (co)


  3. Assisting a crime without actually participating in committing the crime itself; being connected as an incident or subordinate to a (l).

  4. (hyper)


  5. Present in a minor amount, and not essential.

  6. Something that belongs to part of another main thing; something additional and subordinate, an attachment.

  7. (RQ:Carlyle The Life of John Sterling)

  8. An article that completes one's basic outfit, such as a scarf or gloves.

  9. (quote-journal)&93; built a brand on the appeal of clothes and accessories that made shoppers smile.|accessdate=6 June 2018

  10. A person who is not present at a crime, but contributes to it as an assistant or instigator.

  11. (quote-book)

  12. Something in a work of art without being indispensably necessary, for example solely ornamental parts.