
suomi-englanti sanakirja

Scrabble englannista suomeksi

  1. ritirati, sanapeli

  1. Scrabble, Riti-Rati sanapeli

Scrabble englanniksi

  1. scrabble

  1. A game in which players draw letter tiles and take turns to make interlocking words like a crossword, scoring points according to the letters played and their positions on the board.

  2. (RQ:Atwood Handmaid) Now of course it's something different. Now it's forbidden, for us.

  3. (quote-book)

  4. 2012 August 18, Bill Kurtis, “Listener Limerick Challenge”, ''Wait Wait... Don’t Tell Me!'', National Public Radio:

  5. At the tournament level I dabble / But my tiles show a meaningless babble / I filled up my ranks / With a few extra blanks / And got busted for cheating at Scrabble
  6. ''Scrabble'' (gloss)

  7. ''(l)'' (gloss)