
suomi-englanti sanakirja

Latinize englannista suomeksi

  1. Latinize, latinoida

  2. latinantaa

  1. Verbi

  2. latinantaa to translate; latinalaistaa to make a word similar in appearance or form to a Latin word

Latinize englanniksi

  1. latinize

  1. To translate something into the Latin language; or make a word similar in appearance or form to a Latin word.

  2. ''Guglielmus is a Latinized form of William.''

  3. To transliterate something into the characters of the Latin script; to Romanize

  4. ''The Cyrillic letter Л can be Latinized as L.''

  5. To make like the Catholic Church or diffuse its ideas in.

  6. ''to Latinize the Church of England''