suomi-englanti sanakirja

AC englannista suomeksi

  1. vaihtosähkö, AC

  1. Substantiivi

  2. vaihtovirta

AC englanniksi

  1. Ac

  1. (ISO 3166)

  2. (syn)

  3. (initialism of)

  4. (initialism of)

  5. (hypo)

  6. (initialism of) (gloss).

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. (cot)


  9. supply of electric energy via a public (l) (defdate)

  10. (init of) a police rank used in London's (w).

  11. Companion of the (w).

  12. (singular of).

  13. (ux)

  14. (initialism of) (gloss).

  15. (initialism of), (gloss).

  16. (init of), as in: guilty as charged, ''usually'' a/c.

  17. Aceh, an autonomous province of Indonesia.

  18. Acre, a state of Brazil.

  19. account

  20. (zh-x)

  21. Christi

  22. calcio (football/soccer club)

  23. Cristo

  24. (abbreviation of)

  25. (ja-usex)

  26. ante Christum

  27. anno Christi

  28. (abbreviation of)

  29. Acre (Brazilian state)