
suomi-englanti sanakirja

-wise englanniksi

  1. In the direction or orientation of.

  2. ''The gaoler slowly turned the key clockwise.''

  3. In the manner of.

  4. ''You need to follow the instructions carefully; otherwise, the project may not turn out.''

    ''Contrariwise, it could be a good idea.''

  5. In the matter of; with regard to.

  6. ''This morning looks promising, weather-wise.''

  7. (quote-book)|title=The Toys of Peace|chapter=The Penance|url=|page=423|text=They had parents in India—that much Octavian had learned in the neighbourhood; the children, beyond grouping themselves garment-wise into sexes, a girl and two boys, carried their life-story no further on his behoof.

  8. (quote-song)|artist=(w)|year=1958|passage=Weather-wise, it's such a lovely day

  9. at a time|One at a time, or one thing at a time.

  10. Add the reagent dropwise to the solution.

  11. state of, manner of, condition; direction

  12. (sufex)

  13. the custom or fashion of

  14. in the manner or fashion of; in the direction of