


  1. tylsä

  2. kuva tylsä

  3. (ihmisestä) tylsämielinen, hidasälyinen

  4. synkkä, ei kirkas

  5. (filatelia) sammea

Esimerkkejä dull sanan käytöstä:

a 'dull' knife

:tylsä veitsi

I think Ive grown somewhat 'dull' of hearing.

:Taidan olla tullut jonkin verran huonokuuloiseksi./ Kuuloni ei taida olla enää terävimmillään.

This knife has worn 'dull'.

:Tämä veitsi on tylsistynyt / kulunut tylsäksi.

It was 'dull' in the bar.

:Baarissa oli 'tylsää'.

What a 'dull' lecture the professor gave us.

The student was very 'dull'.

:Opiskelija oli hyvin 'hidasälyinen'.

No, that colour is too 'dull'.

a 'dull' green

It is so cloudy and 'dull' all the time.

Liittyvät sanat: dullness



  1. himmeä, sekoitettu, samea, pilvinen, synkeä, lyijynharmaa, pitkästyttävä, pitkäveteinen, tylsä, ikävystyttävä, kyllästyttävä, ärsyttävä, hidastempoinen, väsyttävä, uuvuttava, tylsistyttävä, rasittava.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä







vaimea Lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp.


boring Boring; not exciting or interesting.
Not shiny; having a matte finish or no particular luster or brightness.

a dull fire or lamp;  a dull red or yellow;  (nowrap) mirror

(w) (1807-1882)
As turning the logs will make a dull fire burn, so changes of study a dull brain.
(RQ:BLwnds TLdgr)
A great bargain also had been the excellent Axminster carpet which covered the floor; as, again, the arm-chair in which Bunting now sat forward, staring into the dull, small fire.
Not bright or intelligent; stupid; slow of understanding.
(w) (c.1564–1616)
She is not bred so dull but she can learn.
(w) (1811-1863)
dull at classical learning
sluggish Sluggish, listless.
(w), (w) xiii. 15
This people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing.
(w) (c.1552–1599)
O, help my weak wit and sharpen my dull tongue.
cloudy Cloudy, overcast.
Insensible; unfeeling.
(w) (1603-1625)
Think me not / So dull a devil to forget the loss / Of such a matchless wife.
heavy Heavy; lifeless; inert.
the dull earth
As turning the logs will make a dull fire burn, so changes of study a dull brain.
puhekieltä Not intense; felt indistinctly or only slightly.

Pressing on the bruise produces a dull pain.

puhekieltä To render dull; to remove or blunt an edge or something that was sharp.

Years of misuse have dulled the tools.

Francis Bacon
This (..) dulled their swords.
puhekieltä To soften, moderate or blunt; to make dull, stupid, or sluggish; to stupefy.

He drinks to dull the pain.

Those drugs she has / Will stupefy and dull the sense a while.
Use and custom have so dulled our eyes.
puhekieltä To lose a sharp edge; to become dull.

A razor will dull with use.

To render dim or obscure; to sully; to tarnish.
dulls the mirror


  • dulla: hasis, pilvi

  • dulla: huume

  • dullaa: kävellä (myöh > dallaa)


dull rimmaa näiden kanssa:

baseball, goodwill, rock and roll

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