


  1. (rakennustekniikka) tippanokka, vesinokka

Liittyvät sanat: drip mold , drip mould , drip molding , drip moulding , water spout



  1. vesilista, tippanokka, kieleke, ulkonema, uloke, virtaaminen, vuoto, suonensisäinen tiputus.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



vuotaa, pisaroida



vuoto puhekieltä To fall one drop at a time.


puhekieltä To leak slowly.
puhekieltä To let fall in drops.
Which from the thatch drips fast a shower of rain.
puhekieltä To have a superabundance of valuable things.
puhekieltä To rain lightly.
puhekieltä To be wet, to be soaked.
A drop of a liquid.

I put a drip of vanilla extract in my hot cocoa.

puhekieltä An apparatus that slowly releases a liquid, especially one that releases drugs into a patient's bloodstream (an intravenous drip).

Hes not doing so well. The doctors have put him on a drip.''

puhekieltä A limp, ineffectual, boring or otherwise uninteresting person.

He couldnt even summon up the courage to ask her name... what a drip!''

A falling or letting fall in drops; act of dripping.
the light drip of the suspended oar
puhekieltä That part of a cornice, sill course, or other horizontal member, which projects beyond the rest, and has a section designed to throw off rainwater.
puhekieltä dividend Dividend reinvestment program; a type of financial investing


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