


  1. paljastaa, saattaa julkisuuteen, julkistaa



  1. paljastaa, juoruta, laverrella, ilmoittaa, tuoda ilmi, tuoda päivänvaloon, tuoda esiin, ilmaista, julkistaa, tuoda julki, kertoa, tulla julki, tulla yleiseen tietoon, päästä leviämään.

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ilmaista puhekieltä To make public or known; to communicate to the public; to tell (information, especially a secret) so that it may become generally known; to disclose


Dec 8, 2016, (w), http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21711521-and-his-cabinet-looks-set-be-filled-retired-generals-president-elects-epa-head The president-elect's EPA head may not believe in climate change''
In an interview with The Economist last year, he insisted his attack on the CPP had nothing to do with his views on global warming, which he would not divulge.
1910, (w), Literary Lapses - How to Avoid Getting Married
Here then is a letter from a young man whose name I must not reveal, but whom I will designate as D. F., and whose address I must not divulge, but will simply indicate as Q. Street, West.
To indicate publicly; to proclaim.
God . . . marks The just man, and divulges him through heaven. -- w:John Milton|John Milton.


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