


  1. vaikea, hankala

Liittyvät sanat: difficultness



  1. uhmakas, taipumaton, vaativa, vaikea, hankala, kova, hallitsematon, vaikeus, vaivalloisuus.

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vaikea, hankala hard Hard, not easy, requiring much effort.
(w) (1804-1864)

There is not the strength or courage left me to venture into the wide, strange, and difficult world, alone.
2008, Daniel Goleman, Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama (ISBN 0307483762), page 199:
In adults, the same kind of anger has been studied in people trying to solve a very difficult math problem. Though the tough math problem is very frustrating, there is an active attempt to solve the problem and meet the goal.
puhekieltä hard Hard to manage, uncooperative, troublesome.


puhekieltä To make difficult; to impede; to perplex.



  • "Ennustaminen on vaikeaa, varsinkin tulevaisuuden ennustaminen." (Alun perin Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future. Niels Bohr 1885-1962.)"

  • "I have had a very difficult last 5 years or so. A lot of shit going on in my personal life. A lot of shit that made me very fucking angry. This album is the result. A healthy way to let it all out."

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