

  1. ero

  2. erilaisuus

  3. erimielisyys

  4. matematiikka|k=en erotus

Esimerkkejä difference sanan käytöstä:

: Apple as a company has been as much about design as about technology. Is it in danger of putting form ahead of function? Same difference, says Jobs.

the 'difference' between right and wrong

Note the subtle 'difference' in colour.

I learned to know their 'difference' from one another.

You two should put aside your 'differences'.

The social worker tried to work out their 'differences'.



  1. eri, toisenlainen, laatu, ominaisuus, erilaisuus, erillisyys, ero, eroavaisuus, erottava.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä


difference rimmaa näiden kanssa:

freelance, trance

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