

  1. tarkoitukseton, hyppelehtivä.

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hyppelehtivä jumping Jumping, or passing, from one thing or subject to another, without order, planning, or rational connection; without logical sequence.
(quote-text)|title=(w)|chapter=25|passage=To mend the matter, Hamlet's aunt had the family failing of indulging in soliloquy, and held forth in a desultory manner, by herself, on every topic that was introduced.

He wandered round, cleaning up in a desultory way.

I teach a class of desultory minds.

Out of course; by the way; as a digression; not connected with the subject.

I made a desultory remark while I was talking to my friend.

She made a desultory attempt at conversation.

disappointing Disappointing in performance or progress.
puhekieltä leaping Leaping, skipping or flitting about, generally in a random or unsteady manner.


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