


  1. roiskahdus, läikähdys

  2. loiske, loiskina

  3. tilkkanen

  4. kynänveto

  5. ajatusviiva

  6. urheilu|k=en pyrähdys

  7. loisto, häikäisevyys

Liittyvät sanat: dashed line , dashboard



  1. juoksu, juokseminen, syöksy, pyrähdys, spurtti, pinkaisu, syöksähdys, kiireisyys, hätiköinti, kiire, ryntäys, välimerkki, tavuviiva, ajatusviiva, viiva, juoksukilpailu, pikajuoksu.

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pikajuoksu puhekieltä Any of the following symbols: ‒ ((m)), – ((m)), — ((m)), or ― ((m)).

sometimes dash is also used colloquially to refer to a hyphen or minus sign.

A short run.
A small quantity of a liquid substance etc.; less than 1/8 of a teaspoon.

Add a dash of vinegar

vigor Vigor.

Arent we full of dash this morning?''

A dashboard.
1955, w:Rex Stout|Rex Stout, "The Next Witness", in w:Three Witnesses (book)|Three Witnesses, October 1994 w:Bantam Books|Bantam edition, ISBN 0553249592, page 31:
The dash clock said 2:38 when(..) I turned off a dirt road(..).
Longer of the two symbols of Morse code.
puhekieltä A bribe or gratuity; a gift
1992, George B. N. Ayittey, Africa betrayed (page 44)
The traditional practice of offering gifts or "dash" to chiefs has often been misinterpreted by scholars to provide a cultural explanation for the pervasive incidence of bribery and corruption in modern Africa.
2006, Adiele Eberechukwu Afigbo, The Abolition of the Slave Trade in Southeastern Nigeria, 1885-1950 (page 99)
Writing in 1924 on a similar situation in Ugep, the political officer, Mr. S. T. Harvey noted: "In the old days there was no specified dowry but merely dashes given to the father-in-law(..)
2008, Lizzie Williams, Nigeria: The Bradt Travel Guide (page 84)
The only other times you'll be asked for a dash is from beggars.
puhekieltä A stand-in for a censored word, like "Devil" or "damn". (Compare deuce.)
1824, "Kiddywinkle History, No. II", Blackwoods Magazine (15, May 1824) http://books.google.com/books?id=72Q6AQAAMAAJ&dq=%22ill%20be%20dashed%22&pg=PA540v=onepage&q=%22i'll%20be%20dashed%22&f=false p. 540
I'll be dashed if I gan another step for less 'an oaf.
1853, (w), (w), Chapter VI, serialized in Harpers New Monthly Magazine'', (VIII, no. 43, Dec 1853) http://books.google.com/books?id=WEFGAAAAcAAJ&dq=%22what%20the%20dash%22&pg=PA118v=onepage&q=%22what%20the%20dash%22&f=true p. 118
Sir Thomas looks as if to ask what the dash is that to you! but wanting still to go to India again, and knowing how strong the Newcomes are in Leadenhall Street, he thinks it necessary to be civil to the young cub, and swallows his pride once more into his waistband.
Comment: Some editions leave this passage out. Of those that include it, some change the 'you!' to 'you?'.
1884, (w), My Reminiscences, reprinted in "The Evening Lamp", The Christian Union, (29) 22, (May 29, 1884) http://books.google.com/books?id=HLg_AQAAMAAJ&dq=%22who%20the%20dash%22%20%22what%20the%20dash%22&pg=PA524v=onepage&q=%22who%20the%20dash%22%20%22what%20the%20dash%22&f=false p. 524
Who the dash is this person whom none of us know? and what the dash does he do here?
1939, (w), (w) http://books.google.com/books?id=s8DJQghJDogC&lpg=PA89&dq=%22i'll%20be%20dashed%22&pg=PA89v=onepage&q=%22i'll%20be%20dashed%22&f=false Chapter 8
I'll be dashed if I squash in with any domestic staff.
puhekieltä To run quickly or for a short distance.

He dashed across the field.

puhekieltä To leave or depart.

I have to dash now. See you soon.

puhekieltä To destroy by striking (against).

He dashed the bottle against the bar and turned about to fight.

1897, (w), (w) Chapter 21
"`Silence! If you make a sound I shall take him and dash his brains out before your very eyes.'
1912: (w), (w), Chapter 4
Kala was the youngest mate of a male called Tublat, meaning broken nose, and the child she had seen dashed to death was her first; for she was but nine or ten years old.
puhekieltä To throw violently.

The man was dashed from the vehicle during the accident.

Francis Bacon
If you dash a stone against a stone in the bottom of the water, it maketh a sound.
puhekieltä To sprinkle; to splatter.
On each hand the gushing waters play, / And down the rough cascade all dashing fall.
puhekieltä To ruin; to destroy.

Her hopes were dashed when she saw the damage.

puhekieltä To dishearten; to sadden.

Her thoughts were dashed to melancholy.

puhekieltä To complete hastily, usually with down or off.

He dashed down his eggs, she dashed off her homework

To draw quickly; jot.
1922, (w), (w) Chapter 1
"Scarborough," Mrs. Flanders wrote on the envelope, and dashed a bold line beneath; it was her native town; the hub of the universe.
To throw in or on in a rapid, careless manner; to mix, reduce, or adulterate, by throwing in something of an inferior quality; to overspread partially; to bespatter; to touch here and there.

to dash wine with water; to dash paint upon a picture

I take care to dash the character with such particular circumstance as may prevent ill-natured applications.
The very source and fount of day / Is dashed with wandering isles of night.
puhekieltä damn Damn!
ram (male sheep)


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