


  1. vaara

Liittyvät sanat: dangerous



  1. uhkayritys, riski, uhka, vaara, uhkapeli, alue, maa, seutu.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



vaara puhekieltä Ability to harm; someone's dominion or power to harm or penalise. See In one's danger, below.

"You stand within his danger, do you not?" (Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, 4:1:180)

Robynson (More's Utopia)
Covetousness of gains hath brought them in danger of this statute.
puhekieltä liability Liability.
1526, Bible, tr. William Tyndale, Matthew V:
Thou shalt not kyll. Whosoever shall kyll, shalbe in daunger of iudgement.
puhekieltä Difficulty; sparingness.


puhekieltä Coyness; disdainful behavior.
puhekieltä A place where one is in the hands of the enemy.
Exposure to liable harm.

"Danger is a good teacher, and makes apt scholars" ((w), Table talk).

An instance or cause of liable harm.

"Two territorial questions..unsettled..each of which was a positive danger to the peace of Europe" (Times, 5 Sept. 3/2).


"We put a Sting in him, / That at his will he may doe danger with" (Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, 2:1:17).

puhekieltä To claim liability.
puhekieltä To imperil; to endanger.
puhekieltä To run the risk.
jeopardy (danger of loss, harm, or failure)


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