


  1. miehistö



  1. yksikkö, sosiaalinen yksikkö, osasto, työvoima, miesvahvuus, työväki, miehistö, työvuoro, vuoro, työkunta, työryhmä, erillisosasto, kahlevangit.

Lisää synonyymejää





kuulua miehistöön

jengi A group of people (often staff) manning and operating a large facility or piece of equipment such as a factory, ship, boat, or airplane.

If you need help, please contact a member of the crew.

The crews of the two ships got into a fight.

puhekieltä A member of the crew of a vessel or plant.

One crew died in the accident.

puhekieltä Any company of people; an assemblage; a throng.
There a noble crew / Of lords and ladies stood on every side.
Faithful to whom? to thy rebellious crew?
puhekieltä A member of a ship's company who is not an officer.

The officers and crew assembled on the deck.

''There are quarters for three officers and five crew.

puhekieltä The group of workers on a dramatic production who are not part of the cast.

There are a lot of carpenters in the crew!

The crews for different movies would all come down to the bar at night.

puhekieltä A worker on a dramatic production who is not part of the cast.

There were three actors and six crew on the set.

A group of people working together on a task.

The crews competed to cut the most timber.

puhekieltä A close group of friends.

Id look out for that whole crew down at Jack's.''

puhekieltä A set of individuals lumped together by the speaker.
1861 William Weston Patton, (version of) John Browns Body''
He captured Harper’s Ferry, with his nineteen men so few,
And frightened "Old Virginny" till she trembled thru and thru;
They hung him for a traitor, they themselves the traitor crew,
But his soul is marching on.
{{quote-book|1950|Bernard Nicholas Schilling|Conservative England and the Case Against Voltaire|page=266|url=
puhekieltä A group of people, especially friends or associates.
puhekieltä A group of Rovers.
puhekieltä A hip-hop group
{{quote-book|2003|Jennifer Guglielmo & Salvatore Salerno|Are Italians White?|page=150|url=|isbn=0415934508
puhekieltä The sport of competitive rowing.
1973, University of Virginia Undergraduate Record
The University of Virginia belongs to the Atlantic Coast Conference and competes interscholastically in basketball, baseball, crew, cross country, fencing, football, golf, indoor track, lacrosse, polo, soccer, swimming, tennis, track, and wrestling.
{{quote-book|1989|w:Benjamin Spock|Benjamin Spock & Mary Morgan|Spock on Spock|url=|page=71|isbn=0394578139
puhekieltä A rowing team manning a single shell.
{{quote-book|1888|w:Walter Bradford Woodgate|W.B. Woodgate|Boating|url=|page=71
puhekieltä To be a member of a vessel's crew

We crewed together on a fishing boat last year.

The ship was crewed by fifty sailors.

To be a member of a work or production crew

The film was crewed and directed by students.

To supply workers or sailors for a crew
{{quote-book|2003|Kirk C. Jenkins|The Battle Rages Higher|isbn=0813122813|page=42|url=
puhekieltä To do the proper work of a sailor

The crewing of the vessel before the crash was deficient.

puhekieltä To take on, recruit (new) crew
{{quote-journal|1967|January||Tampa|The Pilot|page=30|url=
puhekieltä (en-simple past of) To have made the characteristic sound of a rooster.

It was still dark when the cock crew.

puhekieltä A pen for livestock such as chickens or pigs
{{quote-book|2004|w:Gillian Cross|Gillian Cross|On the Edge|page=7|url=|isbn=0192753711
The Manx shearwater.


"The crew of the Enterprise discover a totally new lifeform, which later turns out to be a rather well-known old lifeform, wearing a silly hat."

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