


  1. AmE|k=en maissi

  2. BrE|k=en vilja

  3. BrE|k=en jyvä

  4. (lääketiede) liikavarvas, känsä

Liittyvät sanat: cornmeal , cornstarch , cornflour , cornbread



  1. maissiöljy, viljakasvi, maissi, jyvä.

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liikavarvas, känsä



maissi puhekieltä The main cereal plant grown for its grain in a given region, such as oats in parts of Scotland and Ireland, and wheat or barley in England and Wales.
{{quote-book|1909|Johann David Wyss (Susannah Mary Paull, translator)|The Swiss Family Robinson|page=462|pageurl=
puhekieltä maize Maize, a grain crop of the species Zea mays.
{{quote-book|1809|Edward Augustus Kendall|Travels Through the Northern Parts of the United States|url=
A grain or seed, especially of a cereal crop.

He paid her the nominal fee of two corns of barley.

A small, hard particle.
Bishop Hall:
corn of sand
Beaumont and Fletcher:
a corn of powder
puhekieltä To granulate; to form a substance into grains.

to corn gunpowder

puhekieltä To preserve using coarse salt, e.g. corned beef
puhekieltä To provide with corn (typically maize; or, in Scotland, oats) for feed.

Corn the horses.

puhekieltä To render intoxicated.

ale strong enough to corn one

A type of callus, usually on the feet or hands.
Welcome, gentlemen! Ladies that have their toes / Unplagued with corns, will have a bout with you.
puhekieltä Something (e.g. acting, humour, music, or writing) which is deemed old-fashioned or intended to induce emotion.(cite-web)
1975, Tschirlie, Backpacker magazine,
He had a sharp wit, true enough, but also a good, healthy mountaineer's love of pure corn, the slapstick stuff, the in-jokes that get funnier with every repetition and never amuse anybody who wasn't there.
1986, Linda Martin and Kerry Segrave, Women in Comedy,
There were lots of jokes on the show and they were pure corn, but the audience didn't mind.
2007, Bob L. Cox, Fiddlin Charlie Bowman: an East Tennessee old-time music pioneer and his musical family'',
The bulk of this humor was pure corn, but as hillbilly material it was meant to be that way.
puhekieltä A type of granular snow formed by repeated melting and re-freezing, often in mountain spring conditions.
horn (of animal)
puhekieltä horn
horn (qualifier)
puhekieltä cup
puhekieltä plate
roll, coil


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