


  1. tyytyväinen



  1. esine, kognitio, tietoisuus, tajunta, aihe, sisältö, kognitiivinen sisältö, henkinen sisältö, perinne, kohde.

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aihe puhekieltä That which is contained.
Subject matter; substance.

I shall prove these writings(..)authentic, and the contents true, and worthy of a divine original.
The amount of material contained; contents.
capacity Capacity for holding.
Strong ships, of great content.
puhekieltä The n-dimensional n-dimensional space contained by an n-dimensional polytope (called volume in the case of a polyhedron and area in the case of a polygon).
Satisfied about a particular circumstance; thus, in a state of satisfaction.
(RQ:EHough PrqsPrc)
This new-comer was a man who in any company would have seemed striking.(..)He was smooth-faced, and his fresh skin and well-developed figure bespoke the man in good physical condition through active exercise, yet well content with the world's apportionment.
Satisfaction; contentment.

They were in a state of sleepy content after supper.

Such is the fullness of my heart's content.
C.L. Moore, "Vintage Season" (1946)
Kleph moved slowly from the door and sank upon the chaise longue with a little sigh of content.
puhekieltä acquiescence without examination.
Alexander Pope
The sense they humbly take upon content.
That which contents or satisfies; that which if attained would make one happy.
So will I in England work your grace's full content.
puhekieltä An expression of assent to a bill or motion; an affirmate vote.
puhekieltä A member who votes in assent.
puhekieltä To give contentment or satisfaction; to satisfy; to gratify; to appease.

You cant have any more - you'll have to content yourself with what you already have.''

Bible, Mark xv. 15
Pilate, willing to content the people, released Barabbas unto them.
I. Watts
Do not content yourselves with obscure and confused ideas, where clearer are to be attained.
puhekieltä To satisfy the expectations of; to pay; to requite.
Come the next Sabbath, and I will content you.
(l), satisfied, pleased
English content, satisfied, pleased
(inflection of)
happy; satisfied; (l)
puhekieltä happy


  • "Se solidaarisuuden yhteisöllisyyden lähtökohdakseen ottava ajattelu- ja toimintatapa on juuri sitä mitä globalisoituva maailmamme kaipaa. Näillä sukupolvilla on annettavaa ja erityisosaamista, joka yksilöllisyyden ja ahneuden ilmapiirissä varttuneilta usein puuttuu." "


content rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent

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