


  1. ehdollinen

Liittyvät sanat: condition



  1. ehdollinen, tosiasioiden vastainen, riippuva, riippuvainen, varauksellinen.

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ehdollinen puhekieltä A conditional sentence; a statement that depends on a condition being true or false.
puhekieltä The conditional mood.
puhekieltä A statement that one sentence is true if another is.

"A implies B" is a conditional.

L. H. Atwater
Disjunctives may be turned into conditionals.
puhekieltä An instruction that branches depending on the truth of a condition at that point.

if and while are conditionals in some programming languages.

puhekieltä A limitation.


limited Limited by a condition.

I made my son a conditional promise: I would buy him a bike if he kept his room tidy.

Bishop Warburton
Every covenant of God with man (..) may justly be made (as in fact it is made) with this conditional punishment annexed and declared.
puhekieltä Stating that one sentence is true if another is.

"A implies B" is a conditional statement.

A conditional proposition is one which asserts the dependence of one categorical proposition on another.
puhekieltä Expressing a condition or supposition.

a conditional word, mode, or tense


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pascal, rial, trial, sial, kajal, sammal, laakasammal, rahkasammal, nukkasammal, maksasammal

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