

  1. tehdä (jotakin kielteistä: rikos, virhe), syyllistyä johonkin

  2. määrätä (mielisairaalaan, vankilaan)

  3. ~ to sitoutua johonkin

  4. painaa mieleen, panna paperille

Esimerkkejä commit sanan käytöstä:

commit a murder

Liittyvät sanat: commission , commitment



  1. jättää huomaan, omistaa elämänsä, pyhittää, omistautua, omistaa, uhrata, antaa sanansa, käyttää, hyödyntää, soveltaa, luopua, uskoa jklle, uskoa.

Lisää synonyymejää






varata jtak

passittaa To give in trust; to put into charge or keeping; to entrust; to consign; -- used with to, unto.
Bible, Psalms xxxvii. 5

Commit thy way unto the Lord.
Bid him farewell, commit him to the grave.
To put in charge of a jailor; to imprison.
These two were committed.
To do; to perpetrate, as a crime, sin, or fault.
Bible, Exodus xx. 4
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
To join a contest; to match; followed by with.


To pledge or bind; to compromise, expose, or endanger by some decisive act or preliminary step; for example to commit oneself to a certain action, to commit oneself to doing something. (Traditionally used only reflexively but now also without oneself etc.)
You might have satisfied every duty of political friendship, without committing the honour of your sovereign.
Any sudden assent to the proposal(..)might possibly be considered as committing the faith of the United States.
puhekieltä To confound.
committing short and long quantities
puhekieltä To commit an offence; especially, to fornicate.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), II.12:
the sonne might one day bee found committing with his mother(nb..).
Commit not with man's sworn spouse.
puhekieltä To be committed or perpetrated; to take place; to occur.
1749, Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
As a vast herd of cows in a rich farmer's yard, if, while they are milked, they hear their calves at a distance, lamenting the robbery which is then committing, roar and bellow; so roared forth the Somersetshire mob an hallaloo, made up of almost as many squalls, screams, and other different sounds as there were persons, or indeed passions among them (..)
puhekieltä The act of committing (e.g. a database transaction or source code into a source control repository), making it a permanent change.
1988, Klaus R Dittrich, Advances in Object-Oriented Database Systems: 2nd International Workshop
To support locking and process synchronization independently of transaction commits, the server provides semaphore objects...
2009, Jon Loeliger, Version Control with Git
Every Git commit represents a single, atomic changeset with respect to the previous state.
(inflection of)


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jamit, geimit, keimit

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