

  1. kirnu

  2. kuva myllerrys

Esimerkkejä churn sanan käytöstä:

We suspect theres quite a lot of churn in the North Korean leadership.



  1. kirnu, voikirnu, astia, säiliö, kiehua, kuohua, kirnuta, hämmentää, siirtää, viedä, hyrskytä, tyrskytä, vaahdota, velloa, möyhiä, sekoittaa, vatkata.

Lisää synonyymejää




kirnuta, hämmentää

velloa, kuohua puhekieltä To agitate rapidly and repetitively, or to stir with a rowing or rocking motion; generally applies to liquids, notably cream.

Now the cream is churned to make butter.

Churned in his teeth, the foamy venom rose.
puhekieltä To produce excessive and sometimes undesirable or unproductive activity or motion.
The slope of the terrain, shaped like a funnel, squeezed the growing swell of churning snow into a steep, twisting gorge.
puhekieltä To move rapidly and repetitively with a rocking motion; to tumble, mix or shake.

I was so nervous my stomach was churning.

puhekieltä (in a booking system) to repeatedly cancel and rebook a reservation in order to refresh ticket time limits or other fare rule restrictions.
A vessel used for churning.

a butter churn

puhekieltä The time when a consumer switches his/her service provider.
puhekieltä The mass of people who are ready to switch carriers, expressed by the formula Customer Quits/Customer base.


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western, spagettiwestern, italowestern, popcorn, leghorn

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