

  1. sieppo, tyranni, suku Loistokotingat, kotinga, oranssiharjakotinga, Rupicola rupicola, tuliharjakotinga, Rupicola peruvianus, etelänseppäkotinga.

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lörpöttelijä A person who chatters; a chatterbox.
1845, (w), (w)

Yes, I am a chatterer, indeed, to interrupt you so often, Monsieur.
(RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)
“I don't mean all of your friends—only a small proportion—which, however, connects your circle with that deadly, idle, brainless bunch—the insolent chatterers at the opera, the gorged dowagers,(..)the chlorotic squatters on huge yachts, the speed-mad fugitives from the furies of ennui, the neurotic victims of mental cirrhosus,(nb..)!”
1951, (w), (w), Collins, 1998, Chapter 6,
Indeed the difficulty was to get him to stop talking, for, like all squirrels, he was a chatterer.
Any of several passerine birds, mostly from South America; especially the cotingas.
1832, (w), Knowledge for the People
Why is the variegated chatterer of South America also called the bell-bird?
1846, (w), Coloured illustrations of British birds and their eggs
The flight of the Chatterer bears much resemblance to that of the starling.


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weber, freelancer, cheerleader, outsider, loafer, schäfer, penger, suojapenger, rantapenger, tiepenger

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