

  1. vedessä elävä imettäväinen, Cetacea, valaat, Cetacea-lahko, valas, valaansukuinen nisäkäs, parvi.

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valaansukuinen, valas-

valas Pertaining to the zoologic order Cetacea, or associated with species falling under that taxonomic hierarchy.

The poached blubber was definitely cetacean in origin, but the particular species could not be identified.

More generally, relating to large aquatic mammals, either directly or by analogy.

The obese woman, ungainly on land, moved with a kind of cetacean grace in the water.

An animal belonging to the order Cetacea, including dolphins, porpoises, and whales.

The tour promised spiritual experiences with humpback whales and other cetaceans, but all we saw were seagulls and a dead sea otter.


cetacean rimmaa näiden kanssa:

oikeaan, takaoikeaan, etuoikeaan, ennen vanhaan, harhaan, turhaan, kaikkiaan, kerta kaikkiaan, kaiken kaikkiaan, omiaan

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