


  1. varma

  2. tosi

  3. tietty


englanti certainly
certain, sure
(qualifier) some, certain
certainly, of course, surely, definitely
(senseid)I fight, wrestle.
I contend, compete.
I struggle, strive.
puhekieltä I fight it out.
puhekieltä I dispute.
puhekieltä I try hard.
(senseid)certainly, surely
with certainty, without doubt
(inflection of)
(l); (l) (gloss)


1572, Luís Vaz de Camões, Os Lusíadas, 8th canto:
Que leuar a ſeu Rei hum ſinal certo / Do mundo, que deixa deſcuberto.
: Than taking to his king a certain sign / Of the world he leaves discovered.
(l); (l)
morally (l); (l)
(l) (gloss)
Fernando Pessoa (heteronym Alberto Caeiro), O espelho reflecte certo:
O espelho reflecte certo; não erra porque não pensa.
: The mirror reflects correctly; it doesn't miss because it doesn't think.
1572, Luís Vaz de Camões, Os Lusíadas, 2nd canto:
Mas tu, em quem muy certo confiamos
: But you, who we very surely trust.


certo rimmaa näiden kanssa:

hierto, kierto, lymfakierto, urakierto, rahankierto, verenkierto, keinoverenkierto, aivoverenkierto, veronkierto, kuunkierto

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