


  1. juhlallinen



  1. muodollinen, sovinnainen.

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muodollinen Fond of ceremony, ritual or strict etiquette; punctilious
1608, w:Thomas Dekker (writer|Thomas Dekker, Lanthorne and Candle-Light in The Guls Hornbook and The Belman of London, J.M. Dent, 1936, p. 163, https://archive.org/details/gulshornbookbelm00dekk

(..) some Writers do almost nothing contrary to the custome, and some by vertue of that Priviledge, dare doe any thing. I am neither of that first order, nor of this last. The one is too fondly-ceremonious, the other too impudently audacious.
1958, (w), Reflections on the Psalms, Harcourt Brace & Co., 1986, Chapter III, p. 23,
Ancient and oriental cultures are in many ways more conventional, more ceremonious, and more courteous than our own.
Characterized by ceremony or rigid formality
(RQ:Shakespeare Winter)
O, the sacrifice! / How ceremonious, solemn and unearthly / It was i' the offering!
1924, (w), (w), London: Constable & Co., Chapter 17, http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks06/0608511h.html
Captain Vere advanced to meet him, (..) and interrupting the other's wonted ceremonious salutation, said, "Nay, tell me how it is with yonder man," (..)


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